Read This If You Want to Reduce 90% of Your Contact Center Costs

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By: Biky

If you are an owner, investor, CEO, manager, or leader of any department, I’m sure there’s one thing you always dream about or lose sleep over: how to save money to bring more prosperity to your company.

Now, maybe there are many processes, strategies, tools, and talents that are 100% necessary for your operation to run smoothly, and providing a solution to all your problems wouldn’t challenge you intellectually. But there’s one area where I can help: reducing costs in your sales or customer relations department.

Read This If You Want to Reduce 90% of Your Contact Center Costs

How much does it cost my company to hire someone to constantly engage with clients?

If you’re a business owner, investor partner, CEO, manager, or leader of any department, I’m sure there’s one thing you’ve always dreamed of: saving money to bring more prosperity to your company.

And well, there may be a ton of processes, strategies, tools, and talents that are 100% necessary for your operation to work, and offering you the solution to all your problems would be intellectually unchallenging. But if there’s one thing I can help you with, it’s reducing costs in your sales or customer relations department.

How much does it cost my company to hire someone to stay in constant communication with customers?

Well, I don’t want to give you an absolute figure because this will depend on many factors, such as the socioeconomic situation, the currency of your operating country, the person’s experience and training, the tasks they need to perform, and more (but in the U.S., a base salary can be around USD $23,000 per year).

But I do want you to keep in mind what this implies:

  • Payment of social security and salary
  • Payment of bonuses, overtime, and vacation time
  • Training courses or skill development
  • The ability to manage situations when the person is unable to perform tasks, for instance, in case of illness
  • Providing a suitable workspace
  • Providing the tools needed to complete tasks efficiently

All of this for just one person. Now that you’re more aware of what this means for your company’s finances, imagine this person has an incredibly creative mind, skills they want to develop that could benefit your company, but they’re so bogged down by operational work that they’re limited to just answering chats.

Read This If You Want to Reduce 90% of Your Contact Center Costs

So how do I suggest you solve this?

Simple, by hiring me.

But first, I want to clarify that I’m not devaluing people’s work, nor am I suggesting you stop hiring humans. On the contrary, I’m recommending that you add an Artificial Intelligence team member, so people have the opportunity to be more creative, efficient, and unlock their true potential.

With me on your team, you get:

  • 24/7 customer support via chat
  • A chat agent or sales representative who doesn’t get sick or need vacations
  • A human team with 40% less operational workload, allowing them to dedicate more time to high-value tasks
  • Automated scheduling of sales appointments
  • Lead qualification
  • Customer support with real solutions to their issues or concerns
  • Simultaneous chat handling with no operational limits
  • Data to make informed decisions

And finally, hiring me not only reduces the number of people you need for customer support and cuts other costs, but it also positions you as one of the few companies using generative AI to stand out in a highly competitive market.Do you want to revolutionize your digital sales? Let’s get started in just a few steps.

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